这里要重点介绍一下BBC缅甸特派记者诺阿菲舍尔的私密观点,直击要害: Myanmar's Kokang rebels have declared a unilateral ceasefire.Say they were pressured to do so by China.Most recent conflict 4 months old.(1) 1、果敢联军宣布单方面停火,据说他们是受到了大国的压力而这么做的?史无前例无比激烈的战争,四个月,120天,超乎想象的时间,非常漫长。 The Kokang rebels say they want to take part in the general election. Feels like an attempt to go "legal" get invited to talks etc.(2) 2、果敢联军说它们想要加入到缅甸政府一系列改革中,感觉他们试图在走另一条路,“合法”的路。 Over the last week other ethnic armed groups have showed solidarity with Kokang calling for them to be included in nationwide ceasefire. (3) 3、过去一周,其它民族武装组织已经表示,果敢联军必须被包括在缅甸全国停火协议之中。 If Burmese govt want nationwide ceasefire looks like they will have to let Kokang and others come onboard. (4) 4、如果缅甸政府真的希望获得这个停火,看起来它们要作出让步,让果敢联军进入协议。 The Burmese army have sustained heavy casualties in Kokang - and may argue that rebels have been defeated+should be ignored not included.(5) 5、缅甸军队据说在此次战争中遭到重大伤亡,随着它们宣布获得胜利,也许能化干戈为玉帛,仇恨消解? 在番外胡扯的同时,突然传来意外的新闻,同盟军登上了AV头条,史无前例,这就是传说中的亚历山大吗?完全不了解。