
标题: 仰光在世界最不安全城市榜上名列第二 [打印本页]

作者: 北美汉风    时间: 2017-10-16 04:09
标题: 仰光在世界最不安全城市榜上名列第二
Yangon ranked second most unsafe city in the world
Oct. 14, 2017 Coconuts.co

经济学家情报部门发布2017年世界安全城市指数排名报告,仰光市名列倒数第二。这座缅甸最大的城市一直饱受面自健康、基础设施方面的低投入、糟糕的城市管理、交通安全、恐怖主义、气候变化等方面的威胁。根据这个报告, 卡拉奇名列倒数第一,是全球最不安全的城市。


Yangon was ranked second to last in the Safe Cities Index 2017, released this week by The Economist Intelligence Unit. Myanmar’s biggest city suffers from low investment in health and infrastructure, poor management, and threats from traffic, terrorism, and climate change. According to the report, only Karachi, Pakistan, is a more dangerous place to call home.

The Safe Cities Index ranks 60 cities based on 49 indicators covering digital security, health security, infrastructure security, and personal security. The data are also supplemented by wide-ranging research and in-depth interviews with experts in the field, according to the authors. Each city receives a score between zero and 100 in each category, in addition to an overall score.

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