部长,Kayin民族事务(仰光地区政府),Naw Pan Thinzar Myo说:“要创造就业机会,安排实习很重要。行业需要准备接受实习项目。大学应该有部门来连接这些行业。这种方式…学生可以学到很多——这是一种能力建设。当他们进入工作场所时,他们不会遇到很多困难。因此,在实习计划方面,政府也需要推动行业。
6 November 2017
Public Talk at the recreation center of Yangon University continued on Sunday. Union Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint and Yangon Region Chief Minister were among those attending the talk.
The theme of the 2nd day talk was “Youth and Job Opportunity” - government officials, members of parliaments and entrepreneurs participated in it.
To create job opportunities for the youths, internship programs are necessary and universities need to focus on it, connecting with industries.
Minister, Kayin Ethnic Affairs (Yangon Region Government), Naw Pan Thinzar Myo said “To create job opportunities, it’s important to arrange internships. Industries need to be ready to accept internship programmes. Universities should have departments to connect with the industries. This way … students will be able to learn a lot – it’s a kind of capacity building for them. They won’t face much difficulty when they enter workplace. So in terms of internship programmes, the government needs to urge the industries too.”
One of the university students hoped to learn a lot from the talk about job opportunities related to what she’s studying.
Attendee, Hau Deih Kim said “I’m an anthropology major. I chose it because I want to work in NGO field. I don’t know much about job opportunities related to it so I expect to know a lot from this talk.”
The event was organized by Ministry of Information, Ministry of Education and Yangon Region Government.