Col. Zau Tawng, KIA’s tactical commander, said Burmese Army’s military operations in Mali Yang area are intended to drive KIA troops west of the Mali river. “They want to restart a dam project that was suspended in 2011 at Laza, located 9 miles from Mali Yang,” He said.
”Burmese authorities want access to Putao and Khaung Lan Phu to extract natural resources and KIA’s 7th Battalion is an obstacle for them.” Asia World company was awarded dam building projects along the Irrawaddy river including a dam in Laza by former military junta led by Senior General Than Shwe.
缅甸军队的哨所驻扎在马里杨长达17年,在从1994年到2011年克缅停火期间。 2011年克钦独立军与缅甸政府军之间新的战争开始时,缅甸军队撤出马里杨。 此后,克钦独立军第一旅的7th营接管马里杨。该地相对和平,直到最近的战斗于6月24日开始。
Mali Yang is located 7.5 miles east of Sumpra Bum with a total of 40 households. A Burmese Army post was stationed in Mali Yang during 17 years ceasefire period from 1994 to 2011. Burmese Army troops withdrew from Mali Yang when renewed war began in 2011 between KIA and Burmese Army. KIA’s 7th Battalion troops have taken over Mali Yang since then and the area is relatively peaceful until recent fighting began on June 24.