South Africa's Tutu slams Aung San Suu Kyi over Rohingya crisis
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Aung San Suu Kyi, feted for her years of peaceful opposition to Myanmar's military rulers, has been urged to speak up for the Rohingya, with Muslim nations and the UN leading condemnation of her government. JOHANNESBURG: South Africa's outspoken Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Thursday castigated Aung San Suu Kyi over the Myanmar government's treatment of its Rohingya Muslims and urged her to intervene in the crisis. Start the conversation, or Read moreat
南非图图大主教指责昂山素季 20170908 afp 法新社讯,南非图图大主教于9月7日本周四谴责作为多年来和平反对缅甸军事统治者而上台的昂山素季及其政府对待罗兴亚人的态度,,并要求她干预危机。 图图说:“如果你以缄默无言作为占据缅甸最高领导的政治代价,那么这个代价就太高昂了!”“这与领导这样一个国家的正义象征之形象格格不入;这h增加了我们的痛苦。”“我们所目睹的罗兴亚人之受难本已令我们满怀痛苦和恐惧。”“眼见这恐怖蔓延,我们为你祈祷愿你再度勇敢而坚韧……愿你为正义、人权和民族团结仗义执言。”