谁在向缅甸提供武器? Who is supplying weapons to Myanmar?
Star Online Report
本文自20170916以来被大量转载,尤其在中东穆斯林国家和地区。 主要看图就能懂
In the backdrops of Rohingya crisis, Al Jazeera has portrayed the flow of weapons to Myanmar from different parts of the world. According to the graphicsproduced by the international broadcaster, most of Myanmar's military imports come from China, Russia, India, Israel and Ukraine.
Majority of Myanmar's fighter aircraft, armored vehicles, guns and naval ships come from China, while Russia is the main provider of surface-to-air missiles, it reports.
Photo taken from Al Jazeera
Since the independence from British in 1948, the Myanmar army has shaped the country's politics and external affairs.
For more than half a century the army ruled with an iron fist.
Later it was subject to various embargoes and sanctions from the European Union and the US since the early 1990s.
In 2012, as the country underwent a so-called democratic transition some of these sanctions were eased, though an EU arms embargo is still in effect, it adds.