本帖最后由 北美汉风 于 2017-11-7 00:34 编辑
不公平20171106 Eleven News
Unfair oppressive demands and sovereignty of the country Bangladesh puts huge pressure on Myanmar by seeking help from international community to re-accept Bengali Muslims, who fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh, after terror attacks in late August in Rakhine State. Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), said on November 2 that Myanmar has to give guarantee to grant citizenships for Bengalis refugees to come back to Rakhine State, while negotiations between the two countries are not settled. The remark of the High Commissioner of the UNHCR, which is insulting the sovereignty of Myanmar, is an unprofessional act done by a high UN official and it is the condition which he should not interfere and give remark on that issue. Before that, the U.S threatened to impose sanction on Myanmar. Now, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has demanded to transfer the issue to the hand of International Criminal Court (ICC) through UN Security Council. Although there is no evidence of genocidal activities done excessively in Rakhine issue, Myanmar agreed to comply as much as possible. 孟加拉国国际社会寻求帮助给缅甸施加巨大的压力,重新接受八月下旬“恐怖袭击”之后从开邦谁逃往孟加拉国孟加拉穆斯林。菲利波·格兰迪,联合国难民署(UNHCR)说,11月2日,缅甸已经给担保授予那些两国之间的谈判没有解决但回到若开邦的孟加拉难民公民身份。侮辱缅甸主权的联合国难民署人权事务高级专员是一个行为不专业高联合国官员,他不应该干涉缅甸内政。在此之前,美威胁要对缅甸的制裁。现在人权观察(HRW)要求联合国安理会把若开问题移交国际刑事法院(ICC)处理。在若开虽然没有种族灭绝活动的证据,缅甸还是同意尽可能多地去调查。
International community is turned a blind eye on the killing of ethnics and Hindus and biased on the issue. The killing is still existed now. For instance, Thay把ay Konbaung villagers, who went fishing, from southern Maungdaw were attacked by Bengalis holding sticks, swords and axes around 1 pm of November 2. It is one of the terror attacks after Myanmar army reduced it security personnel. The international community were not took it seriously and one-sided account of the events is depicting to threaten the stability and sovereignty of the state. The demand made by Bangladesh to reserve a safe zone is insulting the sovereignty of Myanmar. 国际社会眼瞎了,对杀害印度教徒视而不见,杀戮现在还存在。例如,缅甸军队减少了安全人员后,11月2日下午1点左右Thayay贡榜村民去钓鱼,在Maungdaw南部被孟加拉人持棍棒,剑攻击。国际社会并没有把它当回事,但却片面拿国家的稳定和主权说事。孟加拉国提出的要求预留一个安全区侮辱了缅甸的主权。 Myanmar hadn’t been insulted like this despite the situation in which Myanmar had various insurgencies and being called Yangon government since Myanmar got uindependence in 1948. The Kuomintang’s incursion occurred in 1953 and although the communist (Red China) sent troops to Myanmar around 1970, in related with the issue of communist party of Myanmar, there was no insulting event to sovereignty of Myanmar just like now. Moreover Myanmar had not been insulted its sovereignty although Myanmar was an outcast as it was under dictatorship for 50 years and downgraded economically and politically. Myanmar is facing the most difficult situation in which its sovereignty is insulted after 70 years of independence.
缅甸从没有被侮辱成这样,虽然缅甸曾有各种各样的叛乱,1948年独立了发生了1953年国民党的入侵,1970年共产主义(中国红卫兵)出兵缅甸(与缅共有关),但也没有发生侮辱事缅甸主权的事件 。此外在独裁统治下的50年,在经济上和政治上降级,尽管缅甸是一个弃儿,但也没有在主权问题上被侮辱。独立70年后的缅甸主权正面临侮辱,到了最困难的境地。
Bangladesh, members of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), some western countries and the U.N are apparently doing to threaten security, stability and sovereignty of the state step by step by applying pressure to break apart the country. Myanmar is reached to important situation in which it needs to be careful of preserving stability and sovereignty of the state. Thus, it is important not to give in any demand which can insult the sovereignty of Myanmar. However it is also important that Myanmar nationals are not extremists or racists or people who are making religious discrimination or people who are not paying respect to human rights like the world thinks. 孟加拉国,伊斯兰合作组织(OIC),一些西方国家和U.N的组织成员,显然是通过施加压力来.......... 缅甸国民不是极端分子或种族主义者、宗教歧视者或不尊重人权者............
It is important to see the difference between humanism and terrorism in related with Bengali Muslims issue. On the other hand, neither the international community nor the government was considered about Rakhine ethnics who are facing problems, difficulties and terror attacks. No one should make any decision in affairs related with Rakhine ethnics without the desire of the Rakhine people. It is very important to have national unity because of the international pressure on Myanmar which intends to be Balkanized, divided Myanmar into smaller regions or states. 看到相关孟加拉语的穆斯林问题人文主义和恐怖主义之间的区别是很重要的。在另一方面,无论是国际社会还是外国政府被都被不认为是真正关心若开面临的问题、困难和“恐怖袭击”。没有人应该在无视若开人的愿望的情况下做任何关于若开事物的决定。国际压力这意味着把缅甸切成小块,分裂缅甸,所以民族团结是非常重要的。
i。。。。。 对若开不公平的诉求和威胁以及ICC报告一并施压制裁缅甸,是国家独立七十年以来对个国家主权的最大威胁。我们应该团结,足够强大,不屈服于国际欺凌和威胁缅甸年轻的民主和国家主权。