【克钦大地新闻10月22日《缅军在贵概战场动用直升机》】周四(今日)上午7时40分,克钦独立军第9营所部与缅军第99轻步兵师部队在贵概镇Hu Hpyet村附近的Man Bung Pa交战。
同日上午8时15分左右,克钦独立军第29营和第39营的一支混编部队在贵概镇Mang Hang Bum也与缅军第99轻步兵师部队发生了战斗。
Battles Continue in Kutkai Township, Two Helicopters Fired on KIA Positions Latest News October 22, 2015 KLN A battle took place Thursday between KIA’s 9th Battalion troops and Burmese Army troops under 99th Light Infantry Division at Man Bung Pa, located near Hu Hpyet in Kutkai Township, at 7:40 am, said a KIA frontline source.
On the same day, another battle took place between a combined force of KIA’s 29th and 39th Battalion troops and Burmese Army troops under 99th LID at Mang Hang Bum in Kutkai Township at around 8:15 am.
KIA source said two Burmese Army’s helicopters fired on KIA’s positions in support of its ground troops at Wa Yaw Bum in yesterday’s battle. Two helicopters returned to North Eastern Regional Command headquarters Lashio after firing a few rounds on KIA’s positions on Oct 21 at around 3:20 pm.